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Scouring is a procedure through which natural impurities (oil, wax, gum, fat, etc) and added impurities are eliminated fully during the manufacturing process. 


All raw textiles are referred to as 'gray fabric material' when in natural form. This gray fabric is natural with color, odor, and impurity not appropriate for clothing. Not only are the natural impurities remaining on the gray matter but also the additional products produced during cultivation, e.g. raw cotton has impurities such as water, nitrogen, mineral matter, waxes, pigment residues, etc. 

The elimination of these natural colorants and add-ons to create the material in a phase ready for dyeing is called scouring.

Scouring objectives: The principal aim of scouring is to remove textile material impurities. Some other objectives are;

  • In order to make the material extremely hydrophilic.

  • To considerably absorb textile products without suffering chemical or physical harm.

  • A neat material is generated by adding alkaline.

  • For cotton removal of non-cellulosic material.

  • In order to make the textile material prepared for subsequent bleaching.

APEX PRODUCTS offer a variety of chemicals for scouring. Some of which are displayed below along with their properties. 

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